Sunday, February 23, 2014

Celebrating Lent and new puppies...

Just when winter has gotten the best of us and we're longing for the warmth and color of spring, along comes Lent with its challenging message: Turn away from your sins. Fast. Pray. Change is always painful, no matter the weather. And yet conversion or "change of heart"-the most challenging change of them all- is what Lent is really about.
What, then, is Lent about? What is the central goal of our fasting, praying and almsgiving- the three traditional Lenten practices that have proven to be effective over centuries? The goal can be summed up in the idea of rebirth and renewal. The same gifts we receive in our Baptism are those we seek in our Lenten journey: fullness of life, reconciliation with God and neighbor, and the grace to follow Christ's example of love in every aspect of our lives.
We journey to God as a people.  And so we do well to be conscious of others during our Lenten journey.  Change is often better when we do it together.  

Lent: A time to turn in the right direction.  Take an honest look at your life.  In what ways are you headed in the wrong direction?  Where do you need to turn your life around?  At the very beginning of Mark's gospel, Jesus proclaims the heart and soul of his message: "This is the time of fulfillment! The kingdom of God is at hand! Repent, and believe the good news" (1:14-15). To repent simply means to change your mind, change your behavior, change your life, turn around.
Make more time to pray.  "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen."
Lent is a good time to think about our bad habits.  Our need for renewal.  Lent is a time to fast from certain things and to feast on others.
Fast from judging others, darkness, gossiping, anger, worry, complaining, self-concern, anxiety, lethargy, problems that overwhelm.
Feast on the healing power of God, patience, optimism, appreciation, unceasing prayer, forgiveness, compassion, enthusiasm, prayer that strengthens.

Lent is a good time to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for what we have.  Our most precious commodities- health, friendship, love, the beauty of creation- are pure gifts from God.  Without these our material possessions are worthless.  Gratitude for what we have prompts us to do something for those in need, not out of guilt, but out of compassion.  Compassion and generosity towards others involve giving not only from our surplus, but also from our substance.
Bring food or money to a food pantry or a local food bank.
Volunteer at church, homeless shelter, or a nursing home.
Give clothing to the poor or a local charity.

A Prayer for Healing
O God, we come before you with a desire to be healed. 
We may not be fully convinced that you will heal us today or that you even want to.  
Help our unbelief.
Help us to enter into this time of prayer so that we really can experience your healing spirit.
Lord, let us look toward a brighter future, a future with more hope and less worry, a future free of bad memories and hurt feelings.

As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.
I love and accept my family members exactly as they are right now.
I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the very best way I know how.
I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
I am ready to be healed. I am willing to forgive.  All is well.

It is no fun being a victim. I refuse to be helpless anymore.  I claim my own power.
When I make a mistake, I realize that it is only part of the learning process.
I know that old negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.
I am responsible for my own attitude.
I am responsible for my thoughts, my beliefs and my actions.
I choose not to project my past onto my future.
I release myself from all guilt.
I resist the temptation to judge others.

I send compassionate thoughts and healing loving energy to those in need.
I serve others by living happily, and radiating happiness and joy to those around me.
I choose to live a life of gratitude and joy.
My life is for living, not for worry or doubt.
Today is my day to laugh.
I treat myself with care and compassion.
I radiate kindness.
I see the miracle in all of life. I am thankful for all creation.
I shine my light of happiness into the darkness of negativity.
I am a blessing to the world.

Lord, grant comfort, joy and health to those I call friend, to those I call enemy, and to those I have cursed by my indifference.

Lord, I ask my heart to be open to receive all abundance I seek. I ask that any obstacles in my way be taken away so that my Divinity shines in all that I do. Thank you.

(All Lenten material is from St. Anthony Messenger Press)

Our new Jack Russell Terrier puppies, Ava and Angus, are a joy.  We love them so much.  Rose, our lab, loves them too.  We are happy, happy, happy!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog and Lenten thoughts...prayers...and reflection. Lord have mercy! Lord hear our prayers! Lord help us to be a blessing to others. And of course...Love the pictures of the puppies and our little Sophia. Love, Mom
